The Australian Bureau of Statistics tells us in the census of 2022, there were 3093 residents under the age of 19 living in Hepburn Shire. Of those, there are approximately 1,531 students enrolled in primary and secondary schools in the Hepburn region.
To connect with as many of these young people as possible, in 2023 The Daylesford Foundation devised an initiative to provide support to all 12 schools in the shire. The original intent was to help with transitioning from pre-school to primary school, primary to secondary and secondary to work or tertiary, excursions and swimming activities and clubs and social engagement. But engagement with the local schools identified varying needs at many different levels. So the Foundation agreed to provide funding directly to the schools each year, allowing the schools to use their discretion for allocation, ensuring the Foundation’s objectives are adhered to.
The program
Each of the schools have identified particular needs focused on building inclusive and vibrant school experiences for all of their students (where those needs could not be funded from existing resources). A meeting in December 2023 convened as a debrief for the program so far, and returned ringing endorsements from all schools as to the success of the program.
The schools involved
- Bullarto Primary School
- Trentham Primary School
- Darma School Daylesford
- St Michael’s Daylesford
- Daylesford Primary School
- Daylesford Secondary College
- Hepburn Primary School
- Newlyn Primary School
- Clunes Primary School
- Creswick Primary School
- Creswick North Primary School
- St Augustine’s Creswick.
Scroll this page to learn more about the specific initiatives these schools have implemented to date.
The Daylesford Foundation has invested $43,000 per year in support of the schools-based program and will continue to grow the program in the future.
Clunes Primary: Sniff the Dog
Clunes Primary School utilises some of their funding to pay for a Therapy Dog.
Sniff, the therapy dog was a welcome addition to all classrooms and the schoolyard when visiting and made a significant difference in the six individual lives of the students that were specifically supported. Whether it was disengaged students or children with diagnosed special needs, Sniff managed to provide a relaxing and comfortable environment for all to make their time at school more rewarding.
Creswick North Primary: Uniforms support
Creswick North is one of the smallest schools in our region and in 2024 changed uniforms over to a much smarter design and colour.
$1750 provided by The Daylesford Foundation ensured those parents that were struggling to pay for this transition to new uniforms were provided with support.