In keeping with its commitment to maintain the highest standards of effective community investment, The Daylesford Foundation has adopted a Funding Policy to ensure our investments in the well-being of the Hepburn Shire community are delivered to people who need assistance via the entities that have access to and knowledge of those people and their circumstances.
Our community network
Bullarto Primary School
Central Highlands Rural Health
Child and Family Services Ballarat
Child Protection Ballarat
Clunes Primary School
Creswick North Primary School
Creswick Primary School
Daylesford Community Childcare Centre
Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre
Daylesford Dharma School
Daylesford Primary School
Daylesford Secondary College
Good Grub Club
Grampians Disability Advocacy
Hepburn Health Mental Wellbeing
Hepburn Primary School
Hepburn Regional Community Cheer
Newlyn Primary School
St. Augustines Primary School Creswick
St. Michaels Primary School Daylesford.
Our current partner programs

The Daylesford Foundation provides bridging monies to ensure parents, who cannot afford the discounted fees are able to continue to bring their children to the Daylesford Community Child Care Centre.

We provide emergency funding for fuel, food, household goods, medical needs and back-to-school support to support Central Highlands Rural Health clients through the LIFT (Locals Inspiring Future Transformation) program, for more details contact (03) 5321 6500.

The Daylesford Foundation provides rental support to clients of Child and Family Services to complement their limited funding. Funding extends to situations such as when an individual is living in a car, when a family is forced to leave a home or even in the case (which occurred one Christmas Eve) where a mother and her children had nowhere to stay.

The Daylesford Foundation provides varied support to Grampians Disability Advocacy (Daylesford), from fitting specialised equipment in a vehicle for use by a person with a disability, to arranging funds and skilled trades (including local community members putting up their hands to help) to help repair the home of a local family.

The L2P Program is a community-based program developed to assist eligible young Victorian learner drivers between the ages of 16 and 21 (and in some circumstances, up to 23 years old) who do not have access to a supervising driver or an appropriate vehicle to gain driving experience required for a probationary licence.
Managed locally by The Ballarat Foundation, The Daylesford Foundation supports the program in the Hepburn Shire through its dedicated, local volunteer mentors, and has purchased a car specifically for local residents.